Typical tabac which sells tobacco, stamps telephone cards, lotto and such. Usually Tabac has also a cafe. So there are always some people who is playing lotto, drinking beers day and night... Yea, this is Paris! non?
Living in Paris as a tourist you, better than a resident, focus attention exactly in those points able to represent Paris and France. The "Tabac" red neon sign, it's just an example.
A beautifully-intimate night portrayal of Paris!
Living in Paris as a tourist you, better than a resident, focus attention exactly in those points able to represent Paris and France. The "Tabac" red neon sign, it's just an example.
Love that neon sign!
Nice shot, spent many an hour in such places.
Silver Spring Daily Photo
chris, thank you!
fab, maybe I appreciate the paris view more than they do, maybe or maybe not :)
desol, me too!
moworld, you played lotto too? with beers and cigarettes?
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